Monday, June 8, 2009

SSO between webgates

I was configuring OAM Load balancing. I had two set of servers (Each set has IDM, Access Svr, Policy Mgr) front ended by two iPlanet webservers ( and having respective webgate. To configure the SSO between these two Webgates, I appropriately mentioned the "primary Http Cookie Domain" for both webgates as "" .

Now it is testing time. I authenticated to http://host1/myPage.jsp and typed http://host2/myPage.jsp on the browser's address bar expecting I am authenticated to http://host2 as well. Nope, I saw that login screen again. I banged my head for whole day till I found my mistake next morning.

The solution was very simple. Start typing instead of http://host1/myPage.jsp . After authentication to host1 type . This will work as I am mentioning domain name in the URL which is set as "Primary Http Cookie Domain".

Since the set up was inside the network, I do not have mention the domain name( to access my web content. IPlanet was serving me the page even if I typed the URI as http://host1/myPage.jsp .