Thursday, December 23, 2010

OIM Troubleshoot : .NullPointerException at getAttrColumnName during Trusted Recon

Problem Description :- I imported a Trusted-Reconciliation set up from one of the working environment to another environment. When I run the trusted recon on the new environment, I got the following error.

ERROR,21 Dec 2010 17:33:45,658,[XELLERATE.SERVER],Class/Method: tcRCE/createUserRecord encounter some problems: {1}
at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.util.tcAttributeSource.getAttrColumnName(Unknown Source)

I examined the "Reconciliation Event History" (Design console -> Recon Manager) and found only one Action called "Event Received" is logged. The successful recon usually have at least three Actions like
1. Event Received
2. Data Sorted
3. Created User
In my case the user is not getting created in OIM's USR  table .
Solution : After banging my head for 2 days, finally I found the dumb solution.
1. Go to "Xellerate User" process definition.
2. Delete all field maps from "Reconciliation Field Mapping".
3. Redo all the field mapping again.

I think this occurs when export and import of configuration done from one environment to other. Definitely a bug in OIM 9102 BP11.